
How to Handle Poor Roofing Installation – Outdoor Family Portraits


follow these guidelines to help yourself out of the mess.

First, you can use the warranty for workmanship after the roofing was put in. This must be completed within a set time frame otherwise, the warranty is ineffective. Do not put off problems caused from faulty installation. Make it a priority to address the issue as quickly as possible.

If the roofing company denies the warranty on workmanship You can complain. In many states, roofers must be licensed, and you can file a complaint with the state licensing board. It will bring an additional party to ensure that the contract is fully followed by the contractor.

Also, you may submit a complaint to your local Better Business Bureau (BBB). It is possible to resolve your complaint in thirty days. This process is designed to aid the BBB find the solution. The BBB does not legally have the authority to issue the follow-up of the warranty. The purpose of the negative strike is to serve as a reminder for prospective company.

Find more information in the video below.
